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Join us at our Live Event 25.11.23 - where Web3 gets real! Get your ticket!!

We protect your privacy

with decentralized solutions for file sharing and Web3 storage networks.

We are developers, engineers, business analysts and designers. Different talents united by the same goal:

Real, adequate protection for your privacy.

With decentralized Web 3.0 technologies, we are creating the data processing tools of a new generation. User-friendly, reliable and above all – secure. Several billion pieces of user data are traded worldwide every day. They are sold without the persons’ knowledge and misused for advertising purposes.
We find: Next to our fundamental rights, personal data is the most valuable asset in the digital age. They, therefore, deserve special protection – in the interest of all citizens. No state or organization in the world should know everything about your salary, consumer behavior, or social environment. We want your data and personal information online to be safe finally. We are joining all our forces to achieve this:

With over 10 years of experience and exceptional expertise in mathematical and technical fields, we are creating the encrypted communications of the future. With WeSendit 3.0, we develop decentralized user tools that respect your privacy and offer the highest security against cyberattacks.

Our goal with
WeSendit 3.0

We want to inspire our 3.65 million users from over 150 countries (as of October 2023) to switch to user-friendly premium services.

For this, we will:

Since the launch of WeSendit.com in 2013, we have built a professional and efficient structure and analyzed – and evaluated – comprehensive fundamental data from centralized as well as decentralized application areas. We will develop our unique selling propositions and market them globally.

The focus for the current fiscal year:

WeSendit Core Team

Jens Herbst

CEO & Founder

Jens, a 20-year entrepreneur and crypto expert since 2015, has successfully built two companies, embodying WeSendit's leadership

Philipp Braccini

Head of design & Founder

Philipp is the creative heart of the company and is a visionary.

Reto Massalongo


Reto turns our stakeholder ideas and visions into developement plans.

Dr. H-M.Oberholzer

Member of the Board

Oliver Schmitt

Corporate Strategy & Marketing Lead

Oliver is an experienced marketing specialist and has been advising crypto companies for years.

Yasin Afoda

Head of Support

Head of Support & Community Manager

Nico Lucciola

Blockchain Developer

An accomplished blockchain developer, he builds everything around the WSI token.

Christian Busse

Solidity Developer

Christian creates concepts for staking and node and gives technical advice.

References Public Mentions / Partner