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The first Object Storage Platform with its own Web 3.0 ecosystem

You store your data securely, redundantly and easily over decentralized networks.

Data backup
in the decentralized cloud

You store your data securely, redundantly and easily over
decentralized networks.

How it works?


The configured gateway asks the satellites for a current list of suitable nodes. The satellites are no component of the decentralized network. They regularly check the storage nodes and coordinate the accesses. Your data is stored on the nodes for the final time. Several satellites exist worldwide that are available for open source projects.


The data is encrypted before uploading and split into small pieces using predefined processes. Then contact is made with all nodes in the received list and the connection is checked for speed and quality. The small pieces of data are now transferred to different nodes simultaneously. No node owns a whole file, but always only parts of it. This means that no node operator can read the data. Since each piece of data is signed with a hash, any attempt at manipulation is immediately detected.

Metadata backup

All nodes reply to the gateway with the hashes of each segment. This hash segment mapping is communicated to the satellites and stored with pointers. This allows the data to be retrieved again. The storage node operators receive a “token” as a reward for the released storage. The satellites check the nodes regularly in the process. Rule violations - such as deleting files or downtimes - will be punished with disqualification. If nodes leave the network for unknown reasons, the satellites automatically take care of repairing the data and ensuring its availability.


Digitalization means that companies and private individuals are producing ever-greater volumes of data. The use of cloud providers is therefore apparent. However, traditional providers like Dropbox or Google Drive have limitations in terms of security, reliability and cost. Data protection is also a sensitive issue for many users. Storj is the first decentralized, end-to-end encrypted cloud storage that integrates blockchain technology and cryptography to enable greater data security.


Unigrid’s mission is to build a truly decentralized Internet, where users have control over their data and are free from centralized control. To achieve this, Unigrid provides gridnodes that offer decentralized storage, communication, and compute cycles. These specialized gridnodes are designed to provide the network with the resources it needs to function seamlessly. As the network grows and more gridnodes come online, the network’s power and storage capacity increases, allowing organizations and individuals to rent these resources safely and securely. This allows users to store data and applications in a redundant, encrypted and decentralized way. The solution to data storage on the network involves sharding data across multiple tiny blockchains, rather than storing data in a vertical structure like traditional solutions. This approach provides redundancy, speed, security, and scalability. By providing decentralized storage, communication, and compute cycles, Unigrid is paving the way for a truly decentralized Internet that is free from centralized control and gives users complete control over their data.


Filecoin is a peer-to-peer network that stores files. With built-in economic incentives, it ensures that files are stored reliably. With Filecoin, users pay to store their files with storage providers. These storage providers are other computers. They store the data and must prove over time that they have stored all the files correctly. Anyone who wants to store their files or get paid for storing other users’ files can join Filecoin. As a result, a single company does not control the available storage and its price. Instead, Filecoin enables open markets for all to store and retrieve files.